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How to restore neurons in the brain after a stroke?

All neurological diseases - Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or stroke - share one common element. They all lead to the loss of nerve cell populations. This results in a gradual loss of the affected person's ability to function normally. An alternative to treating the symptoms is therapy to stimulate the production of new neurons to replace those already lost.

How are neurons formed?

Neurogenesis, or the formation of new nerve cells, has so far been considered a process that occurs only during the embryonic period - between 17 and 20 weeks of gestation. By contrast, during adulthood, neurons are already mainly producing connections between each other. Although this topic is still a field of interest for scientists, there are a growing number of publications that believe that the production of new nerve cells by adults is possible. At this point, it has been proven that there are two areas in the brain responsible for the active and continuous process of neurogenesis: the dentate curve of the hippocampus and the olfactory bulb. In recent years it has been established, unfortunately for the time being only a conjecture, that neurons can also be formed in other areas of the body.

Can neurons rebuild themselves?

Our nerve cells may be able to regenerate, according to a study published in Call Reports. The analysis conducted on fruit flies proved that not only axons (neurites responsible for transmitting impulses from the cell body to subsequent nerves) are rebuilt, but also dendrites, i.e. cells responsible for receiving information and transmitting it to the cell body.

While it is true that cells that have died as a result of a stroke are no longer able to rebuild themselves, not all hypoxic cells are completely damaged. Many of them, after suffering a "shock," are able to start working again at a later time. In addition, thanks to the neuroplasticity of the brain, some cells are able to take over the duties of those that have died.

How to stimulate neurogenesis?

How to stimulate neurons, when naturally there are fewer and fewer of them as we age? It is worthwhile to ensure that changes in the structure of the brain are as little as possible for us. There are ways that are able to stimulate the formation of new neurons. Sandrine Thuret, in her TED talk, claims that a mature brain can produce up to 700 neurons a day. This is nothing compared to the one billion neurons we have at birth, but at this rate at age 50, we can enjoy a whole new set of neurons produced in our adulthood. Learn about the effects of specific factors on the process of neurogenesis.

What to feed the neurons?

A fundamental element in adulthood is diet. Therefore, eating meals that are varied in terms of nutrients will benefit our brain. Proven dietary tips include reducing the caloric value of the meals consumed by 20%-30%, occasional fasting, and not eating between meals. In addition, it is recommended to introduce flavonoids, which are found in dark chocolate and blueberries, to your menu. Also essential for stimulating neurogenesis will be omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fatty fish or nuts. In contrast, saturated fatty acids and ethanol will slow down this process. Interestingly, some sources recommend drinking red wine, which is rich in resveratrol. It protects the resulting cells from destruction. We, however, recommend simply consuming grapes. Resveratrol is present in their skin. And alcohol will certainly not be the way to better well-being. In addition, it's better to choose foods to chew and crunch, rather than blended mush with no clear structure - this also has the effect of inhibiting neurogenesis.

Just one visit to the gym per week is enough to eliminate the typical problems of old age

Neurogenesis accelerates during exercise. According to a study conducted on two groups of seniors aged 65-75 - it only takes strength training once a week to make our bodies and minds fitter and better able to cope with the responsibilities of daily life. The group of seniors who did strength training performed significantly better in tests of cognitive control. An additional benefit was an increase in walking speed, which is a factor in the risk of death among the elderly.

Produce nerve cells in bed

Sounds quite pleasant, doesn't it? Sleep is our friend and ally in the fight against neuronal loss. It is during rest that our body regenerates, the intercellular spaces increase, and this allows the cerebrospinal fluid to "flush out" everything that has accumulated during the day between tissues.

Take advantage of semax peptide

Rebuilding neurons in the brain can also occur with the help of a synthetic peptide such as semax. It is particularly recommended for post-stroke patients who lose a significant number of nerve cells as a result of brain ischemia, or who are in poor condition. The substance is known for its neuroprotective properties, which can contribute to the recovery of cognitive and cognitive abilities, which are often lost precisely as a result of a stroke. It also improves neuroplasticity, which can lead to faster regeneration of cells, as well as the formation of new connections between them.

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