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Low blood pressure: Learn proven ways to treat hypotension

Many people have low blood pressure and it has little effect on their lives. But what if the drop in blood pressure prevents us from functioning on a daily basis and leads to dangerous situations? Up to several percent of Poles already suffer from blood pressure that is too low. What influences this and what are the ways to raise blood pressure?

Too low blood pressure - is this problem already affecting me?

Blood pressure that is too low, also known as hypotension, is when blood pressure falls below what is considered normal. It is a condition that can cause feelings of weakness, dizziness and even unconsciousness. When measuring blood pressure, the diastolic and systolic values are given - but what does this actually mean?

  1. Systolic pressure: This is the first of the two values measured when blood pressure is measured. It signifies the highest pressure present in the blood vessels when the heart contracts and pushes blood into the arteries. This is when the arteries are most tense and filled with blood. Systolic pressure is an important indicator of the strength with which the heart works while pumping blood throughout the body. When systolic pressure is too low, it can signal problems with the heart pumping blood. The heart is responsible for propelling blood through blood vessels to deliver oxygen and nutrients to various tissues and organs.

  2. Diastolic pressure: This is the second value measured when blood pressure is measured. It represents the lowest pressure present in the blood vessels when the heart is in the diastolic phase, that is, when it is between contractions. This is when the arteries are more relaxed and the pressure is lower. Diastolic pressure reflects the condition of the blood vessels and the resistance the heart has to contend with when carrying blood back to the lungs and the rest of the body.

If blood pressure is too low, it can mean that the heart is not pumping blood efficiently enough, which can lead to tissue hypoxia and other complications. This condition can have various causes, such as weakened heart muscle, heart failure, loss of blood volume (for example, due to hemorrhage), cardiac arrhythmias (arrhythmias), or other cardiovascular conditions. Therefore, it is important to monitor and control blood pressure, and regularly consult a doctor in case of any alarming values.

Blood pressure standards

Classification Systolic pressure (mm Hg) Diastolic pressure (mm Hg)
Optimal Below 120 Below 80
Normal 120-129 80-84
High correct 130-139 85-89
Grade 1 hypertension 140-159 90-99
Grade 2 hypertension 160 or higher 100 or higher
Critical hypertension Higher than 180 Higher than 120

Symptoms of low blood pressure

Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, can manifest with a variety of symptoms that result from restricted blood flow to the body's tissues and organs. Often such individuals may experience feelings of weakness, fatigue and a general lack of energy. Dizziness, especially when standing up abruptly, is a common symptom of low blood pressure.

People with hypotension may have dark circles before their eyes and even fainting in extreme cases. Feelings of confusion, difficulty concentrating and trouble thinking can be other effects of low blood pressure. Mood changes, irritability and excessive sweating are also symptoms associated with hypotension. In some cases, low blood pressure can cause nausea, vomiting, headache and chest pain. Tinnitus, balance problems and increased heart rate (tachycardia) are additional manifestations of low blood pressure. 

What causes hypotension?

The causes of too low pressure can be many, and among the most common are:

- Dehydration - lack of adequate fluid in the body can lead to lower blood pressure. It is recommended to drink a minimum of 2 liters of water per day. Water is the main component of blood, so without enough of it, it will not be able to flow well in the blood vessels.

- Medications - Taking medications, such as high blood pressure medications, diuretics or painkillers, can lead to lower blood pressure.

- Endocrine disorders - especially hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency and other endocrine disorders can lead to a drop in blood pressure.

- Cardiac disorders - cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure or valve dysfunction.

- Sudden change in position - abruptly getting up from a lying or sitting position can cause temporary drops in blood pressure, which is known as orthostatic hypotension.

How can blood pressure be raised?

Doctors often downplay the problem, which is hypotonia, and the causes of low blood pressure related to the cardiovascular system remain unresolved. Therefore, it is worth using home remedies to raise blood pressure. These include:

  • proper hydration,
  • Standing up unhurriedly,
  • caffeine,
  • Wearing compression stockings,
  • Reducing salt intake,
  • Reducing alcohol consumption,
  • physical activity,
  • preventive examinations,
  • use of noopept peptide - this is a synthetic compound, which by its action is able to cause an increase in pressure. Its main action is to raise levels of dopamine and acetylcholine. Ensuring harmony between these two neurotransmitters raises blood pressure. 

Noopept - libido, blood pressure and depression

Due to the fact that the peptide can act on acetylcholine levels, it is able to raise blood pressure. It is worth noting that this is not the only positive effect of the product. Users of the substance claim that noopept affects libido. It can raise them, which will benefit people who have previously experienced a disruption of sexual needs. In addition, increasing dopamine levels can reduce bothersome symptoms associated with depression. 

The product can be used in oral form. Tablet or powder versions are available on the market. However, the powder is more often the preferred form of administration due to the ability to accurately measure the portion. Correct use of the compound facilitates measure - noopept measured with it allows for extremely meticulous serving. W noopept stores is usually sold already with a spoon of the appropriate weight, which simplifies the purchasing process and reduces incurring additional costs. 

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