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Frequently asked questions

Peptides have a proven effect because they have been carried out
Scientific studies that have shown the effect of peptides on the body. Information
on the effects of peptides based on scientific research in tandem with the
Links to the studies can be found under substances

Most peptides have a systemic effect e.g. bpc 157, this means that once they they enter the bloodstream they spread throughout the body and exert a specific effect on it. Some neuropeptides peptides such as Semax, or Selank in addition to hitting the into the bloodstream, they must reach the brain to develop their full potential. This means they must pass the blood brain barrier.
Yes, the route of administration affects how much peptide enters the bloodstream, and this has a direct impact on efficacy. The route of administration also affects how much peptide will go directly to the brain.
Peptides are administered by injection, nasal spray, orally and sometimes in the form of skin creams.
In most cases, the injectable form is the most effective if we care about to affect the entire body. Administration of the peptide in this way allows introduction of the entire dose into the bloodstream, but studies show that neuropeptides such as Semax or Selank, whose main goals are to get get into the brain is better administered intranasally than by injection because they show the the same effectiveness. The injectable form is effective, but for some people who do not like injections cumbersome. If the peptide is of the right quality and injection done skillfully it is also a safe method of administration.
Peptides such as Semax and Selank are specifically designed for administration through the nose. Studies show that they have the same efficacy as injections, so there's no need to prick yourself. Administering the peptides intranasally helps them bypass the blood-brain barrier more easily and get to the brain more quickly, where they should begin their action. Efficacy with intranasal administration depends on whether the peptides manage to get through the walls of the nasal mucosa into the bloodstream. The main factor influencing this is the molecular weight of the peptide, the smaller the easier it is for the molecule to be absorbed. Semax peptide has a molecular weight of 751 Da molecular weight. The molecule is small enough to be assimilated. Studies on Semax administered intranasally have proven that it it has a positive effect on both the brain but also on the treatment of stomach ulcers stomach, which proves that this peptide administered intranasally also has a systemic effect systemically. Below are the molecular weights of the individual peptides: GHK-Cu (Glycyl-Histidyl-Lysine-Copper): The molecular weight is approximately 441 daltons. BPC 157 (Body Protection Compound 157): Molecular weight is approximately 1419 daltons. Epitalone (Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly): Molecular weight is about 390 daltons. KPV (Lys-Pro-Val): Molecular weight is about 328 daltons. Selank (Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro): Molecular weight is approximately 751 daltons It can be noted that the molecular weight of these peptides is less than that of Semax, which means it allows intranasal absorption. The mass of Bpc 157 is higher making the peptide slightly less absorbed, but rest assured there are ways about which will be discussed below. Another factor in whether the peptide will be absorbed into the bloodstream through the nose is its stability in the nasal cavity. Peptides especially those of higher molecular weight have problems with absorption and it takes them more time. While in the nasal cavity, they are exposed to the action of enzymes that degrade them. Peptides such as Semax or Selank are absorbed fast enough that they will not be damaged before absorption as proven by research. Higher mass peptides like bpc 157 absorb more slowly, so it it is worth choosing a more stable form of salt for intranasal administration in this case, such as arg salt. This allows the peptide to stay in the nasal cavity without damaging it. In addition, so-called enhancers can be used, which are substances that facilitate the penetration of other substances through the skin. Among the most effective include DMSO. DMSO temporarily unseals the structure of the skin or mucous membrane and allows substances to enter the body that would not normally would be absorbed. Such a solution makes, for example, the peptide Bpc 157 in the Arg salt form dissolved in saline with 3% DMSO can long stay in the nasal cavity without degrading and be easily absorbed into the bloodstream. The effectiveness of this solution can be tested yourself. When administered in this way, the peptide will start acting on GABA receptors within minutes, which will induce a feeling of relaxation. This is proof that the peptide has been absorbed and is working. The advantages of peptide nasal spray are the ease of use and the low price of the product.
The main factor affecting the effectiveness of this form of administration is the The stability of the peptide in gastric juices. E.g. the standard form of the peptide bpc 157, i.e. bpc 157 acetate, will be quickly degraded and will not be absorbed. For oral administration to be effective, it is necessary to secure the peptide properly. This can be done by changing the type of salt to, for example, arg salt. This will allow the Bpc 157 peptide to be stable in the stomach at ph above 3. At ph below 3, however, it will be starved. You can also use special capsules protective capsules, which will release the peptide only in the intestine. After applying these changes this form of administration will be effective. The downside of this solution is the price of the product, such a peptide will be up to 5 times more expensive than in intranasal form, and the intranasal administration using absorption enhancers and a appropriately stable salt is so effective that price-wise it will be more cost-effective will be to purchase bpc 157 spray.
Peptides in the form of a cream will not act systemically but locally. That is, you can, for example, buy a kpv peptide and spray or spread it on the skin with a sensitization. This will help relieve inflammation and regenerate the skin faster.
If the peptide is the same e.g. bpc 157 just in a different form it means that it has the same aminogram, i.e. it shows the same action. A different compound of the same same peptide affects its stability. E.g. bpc 157 acetete, that is, in the acetate form will be stable enough to stay in powdered form at room temperature, but once dissolved, it should be stored it in the refrigerator to avoid degradation. Such a peptide will be stable enough to use it for injection, but for oral use it is no longer suitable. Bpc 157 in arg salt will also be stable at room temperature when dissolved in water. It exhibits stability in gastric juices above ph 3. When administering the peptide, it should be used at room temperature. administration of peptides, it is necessary to select the appropriate compound for the mode of administration, so that the peptide is stable.

There are many peptides available on the market, we only focus on those with
greatest potential and best studied with minimal little
significant side effects. There are potentially dangerous

The volume of the peptide depends on the lyophilization process. E.g. 60 mg of a peptide can take up a lot or a little space. This does not matter when it comes to effectiveness of the peptide.
Yes, studies show that the use of intranasal peptides is safe and effective and rarely causes side effects. If side effects do occur it will usually be irritation of the nasal mucous membranes, nasal obstruction or a mild allergic reaction, which will quickly subside after discontinuing application.

Side effects occur
extremely rare compared to any other substances and are
Usually: irritability, restlessness, drowsiness or irritation of mucous membranes,
Which disappear immediately after discontinuing use.

In powder form at room temperature, when diluted in water in the refrigerator
In dry form, they are adequately protected. When diluted with water the peptide does not degenerate if kept in the refrigerator, we also used a natural preservative in the form of the addition of ghk-cu peptide, which, thanks to its copper ions slows down the growth of bacteria.

To answer this question in an easy way, let's take the example of vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can be a drug, in which case it is sold mainly in pharmacies, the production process is controlled by the relevant state institutions, and the purpose of such a product is, for example, to treat scurvy or inflammation.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can be a supplement, then the production process in practice is poorly controlled by state authorities (laboratory testing of product quality is not required). The product can only be advertised to supplement the diet with vitamin c, it cannot be advertised to treat, for example, scurvy or inflammation. According to the law, only a product registered as a medicine can be advertised for treatment.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can be a chemical reagent, this means that it has no official purpose or the official purpose is, for example, for use in a laboratory. According to the law, you cannot advertise such a product as for human use, because if you advertise for human use the product must be registered as a drug or supplement. Such vitamin C is usually much cheaper and is often sold in large packages, e.g. 1 kg for 30 PLN. It is possible to purchase such vitamin c in various purities, e.g. CZDA, then technically the substance is at a level of purity similar or better to, for example, the purest supplements.

Vitamin C as a chemical reagent without problems can be found, for example, on Allegro, just type in Allegro, for example, "Vitamin c 1kg stanlab". This is a product that we use ourselves. Reading the reviews of the product, we can find out that customers use such a product in different ways, some use such vitamin c to clean pools, and some consume it similarly to a dietary supplement (then they do it at their own risk). It is worth noting that a customer can fully legally choose to consume such a product, but the law prohibits the manufacturer from suggesting that vitamin c in the form of a chemical reagent is suitable for human consumption.

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