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Chemical reagents and health education

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Bpc 157

BPC-157, or Body Protection Compound 157 is a synthetic peptide, modelled on one of the peptides found naturally in the human stomach.

Mechanism of action of BPC-157 can be shown by the example of supporting the treatment of a ruptured Achilles tendon.

Initially, the body will respond with inflammationduring which the body will seek to maintain stable internal conditions by provision of platelets, white blood cells, antibodies, enzymes and other components needed for wound healing and stopping any possible infection.

Then our body will start tissue reconstruction through the process of cell migration, which moves healthy cells to the site of injury. In this particular injury, it should be noted that Achilles tendon is largely composed of extracellular matrix (the body's building material) and tendon fibroblasts.

After administration of BPC 157, granulation tissue or new connective tissue grows faster along with tendon fibroblasts at the injury site so that the regeneration process can take considerably less time and be more effective.

In addition, the BPC-157:

- accelerates tendon and ligament regeneration
[1] [2]
- promotes tendon-to-bone healing effective enoughthat can actually "successfully replace current reconstructive surgical methods[3]
- increases intestinal regeneration to the extent that the negative effects of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, i.e. ibuprofen/paracetamol) on the gut can be reversed. [4] In addition, it was stated that "no other substance tested in this regard has presented similar effects".
- repairs damage caused by inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) [5]. 
 and strengthens intestinal regeneration
- has an anti-inflammatory effect
- has an antidepressant effect 
by increasing the release of serotonin [7]
- has a hepatoprotective effect [8].

Is BPC-157 safe to use?

 is a peptide that has been extensively researched for almost 30 years and was initially used mainly by injection, so that skin redness, swelling or itching could occur through errors in correct application. In rare cases, occasional nausea, bloating and deregulation of intestinal peristalsis of minor intensity may occur in hypersensitive individuals, probably through the effects of BPC on the intestines.

In clinical trials it has been proven, that BPC 157 is safe both in inflammatory bowel diseases (PL-10, PLD-116, PL 14736) and wound healing, stable in human gastric juice and has no toxic effects on the human body. [4]

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